Teah McLaughlin

Teah McLaughlin

Monday, May 19, 2014

My family project.

As I got the pleasure of taking Emerging Technology this semester, it is sadly coming to an end. The last project we have gotten assigned to is our Family Heritage. This final we were assigned to is consisted of five smaller projects all put together of what we've learnt throughout this semester.

First, I had to gather my information so I typed up 25 questions. Those questions are found in the link: Nana's interview  Dads Interview

Next I sent emails to find out facts, pictures, and information about my family so I sent it out to my nana and my dad. Click here to see my email:Email.

To organize all of this we got to create an Family Echo, from the information I got from my family I gathered all the family members together an put it on this site. Take a look:Family Echo.

With this information I was able to create my Prezi and Infographic!

For the last part I am putting in the routine my whole family does before bed.. Bushes our teeth, goes and gets water, walks to there room, and goes to bed. Enjoy :)

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