Teah McLaughlin

Teah McLaughlin

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Read this blog post by a teacherblog post by a teacher. I mean actually read it. Take it in. Think about it. And then, write about it. What do you think about it? What is the teacher trying to say? In your own words explain what "the main event" is.

I think hearing this at the time of year from another teacher that is not my own is very motivating to finish my year off strong and greatly by getting what i need done. No matter what i am going to strive, because this teacher believes in me, and quite frankly i believe in myself. This is not a 4 year school, this is the rest of our life's, what i'm saying is we will be learning forever.. So why give up now just because "schools about to end" or summer is here. No never give up, because this life gives us so many great opportunities why ditch them to be "cool" or "popular?" Be you because i know around 80-90% of you reading this want to have a bright future, and we wont be able to have that if we give up now, because that'll lead us to fail again and again. The teacher that wrote this is telling us that i upsets him and mostly other teachers when they see us give up, because to them the want to see you fly by in life the good way, the smart way, the bright way. This is all for you, they're teaching not only because they love it its because they love you. When we give up we're showing them failure. The main event to me is a motivation to not give up and to keep on going, because if we give up now we wont be going far their are many more challenges in life to face to give up now.

If you haven't read this, go read now its a great motivation!


Monday, April 7, 2014


What is stop motion animation? If you don't know, look it up! Explain.
A stop motion animation is a cinematic process, or technique used to makes static objects appear as if they were moving. This technique is commonly used in claymation and puppet-based.

 Have you ever made one?

Friday, April 4, 2014


Tell me about your 5 frame storyboard. What did you like about the project? What did you dislike? Was it hard to fit a story in to 5 images? Do you think you tell a clear story? What would you do differently if you could? Explain

My 5 frame story included myself going/getting ready for the gym. What i liked is the way you can tell what's happening without writing an actual story. What I disliked is it was only 5 pictures, in my opinion i think we should've had more pictures than that to get into better detail. In my storyboard i feel you can defiantly figure out my story easily,and its in detail also easy to follow. I wouldn't do anything differently next time besides making a better rubric and adding more detail to the boxes. Overall, I'm quite happy with my storyboard
How did yours turn out?

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


What is a storyboard? If you don't know, what do you think it is? How are storyboards used? What are some different ways that storyboards can be made?

A storyboard to me is like a comic book to others. It is a sequence of drawings or many other pictures. They are used in magazines, on propaganda, or visual advertisement to show a story. Some different ways are publishing online, on paper, or on poster board.